Perimenopause Weight Loss - Best Tips and Strategies for SuccessPerimenopause Weight Loss - Best Tips and Strategies for SuccessPerimenopause Weight Loss - Best Tips and Strategies for Success

Perimenopause Weight Loss - Best Tips and Strategies for Success

Perimenopause Weight Loss - Best Tips and Strategies for Success

Effective Strategies for Perimenopause Weight Loss: A Comprehensive Guide

There are no age-related milestones that make an impact quite like the menopause. From hunger and hot flashes to night sweats, and joint aches it can feel like our body is turning against us. Although the most challenging issue that arises at this time is certainly weight gain.

Beyond our increased appetite, and change in physical appearance; it brings on an increased risk of chronic illness such as heart disease and diabetes.  

Fortunately, there are powerful strategies to control your weight that can help you reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life. Today, let’s discuss effective strategies for perimenopause, explaining the common symptoms, the role of nutrition, exercise strategies, and more.  

Understanding Perimenopause and Its Impact on Weight

Weight gain is one of the biggest issues many women are confronted with faced with perimenopause. However, many factors influence weight gain and how it affects our health.

But let’s start from the top, and talk about what perimenopause is, its common symptoms and how affects weight.    

What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is the time around menopause when the ovaries stop working. During this time ovarian hormones begin to fluctuate and decline, which can cause symptoms such as night sweats, hot flashes, joint aches, and mood changes.   

Common Symptoms and Changes

As the hormone estrogen fluctuates and declines we will start seeing physical and emotional changes. Common menopause symptoms and changes include: 

  • Night sweats
  • Hot flashes
  • Joint aches
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty sleep/insomnia
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Weight gain
  • Skin wrinkling
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Cognitive challenges
  • Increased risk of chronic illness

How Perimenopause Affects Weight

One of the biggest factors many women face during perimenopause is weight gain. As estrogen levels decrease, our metabolism and hunger-suppressing effects decline. 

This causes a shift that changes body composition as weight increases, and fat distribution changes to increased levels of visceral fat (stored around the abdomen). These changes increase levels of systemic inflammation.

The Role of Diet in Perimenopause Weight Loss

Decreased estrogen can have negative effects on all areas of our health. However, we have an ace up our sleeve; the ability to control our diet. Below is a list of positive ways diet impacts perimenopause. 

Importance of a Balanced Diet

Taking control of our nutrition can not only help us manage our weight but also provide our body with vital nutrients and minerals that can alleviate perimenopausal symptoms.

When those estrogen levels change, and our weight begins to shift, it can be difficult to break free of poor food habits. With the physical and mental symptoms of menopause constantly wearing you down, poor food choices provide refuge.

However, these poor food choices not only add to your weight gain, they are depriving you of vital nutrients, that could decrease your perimenopausal symptom. Following a perimenopause diet plan can guide you in making healthier food choices. A balanced, nutrient-dense diet containing unprocessed foods will help you maintain a healthy weight, and reduce symptoms.

Key Nutrients and Foods for Women in Perimenopause

Below is a list of key nutrients and the foods that should be included in your perimenopause diet. 

Nutrient Purpose Foods
Protein Boosts metabolic rate, maintains skeletal muscle mass, and keeps you fuller for longer Poultry, fish, soy, oats, liver, nuts, seeds
Carbohydrates Sustains energy levels Whole grains, brown rice
Fiber Increase the volume of meals and keep you full Fruit, vegetables, oats, barley, legumes
Omega-3 Anti-inflammatory properties reduce night sweats and hot flashes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, nuts, seeds, leafy greens
Calcium Maintains bone health Low-fat dairy, yogurt, sardines, soymilk, tofu, spinach
Vitamin D Promotes calcium absorption, assists with bone remodeling and growth Salmon, mushrooms, low-fat milk, soy
Vitamin B Regulates hormones, reduces night sweats and hot flashes Whole grains, quinoa, oats, spinach, broccoli
Phytoestrogen Helpful for maintaining estrogen levels Nuts, seeds, fruit, vegetables

Perimenopause Sample Meal Plans

There you have a few examples, but if you want to expand more on these meals, our experts crafted an article for you, here you have the best Perimenopause Meal Ideas.

Breakfast Options

  • Vegetable omelet with spinach, tomato, avocado, whole wheat bread 
  • Poach eggs with quinoa, tomato, avocado, whole-grain toast
  • Tuna lettuce cups with hard-boiled eggs, bibb lettuce, cherry tomatoes, olives, olive oil
  • Ricotta, tomato, and spinach frittata

Lunch Ideas

  • Grilled chicken salad with spinach, avocado, red onion, tomato)
  • Pesto Tuna Salad with Pesto, lemon, white beans, arugula, quinoa)
  • Lemon-caper sardine toast with whole wheat sandwich thin, cucumber, light dill cream cheese, capers, lemon 

Dinner Recipes

  • Air-fried Tumeric chicken and vegetables 
  • Baked lemon and herb salmon with quinoa and mixed vegetables
  • Oven-baked chicken tacos, with light sour cream, light cheese, salsa, salad 

Healthy Snacks

  • Low-fat protein shake with banana, berries
  • Baby carrot with hommus
  • Small sardine and quinoa salad
  • Low-fat protein yogurt and fruit

Exercise Strategies for Perimenopause Weight Loss

Much like nutrition, exercise plays a big role in managing weight and perimenopause symptoms. Approximately 80-90% of women experience physiological issues each year. Regular exercise has been shown to improve vitality and mental health for women experiencing menopause.

A meta-analysis examined 11 randomized control trials in 2024 to determine the effects of mind-body exercises such as Pilates, tai chi, yoga, qigong, and mindfulness-based stress reduction in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. 

The study showed that mindfulness intervention significantly improved sleep quality, anxiety, depression, and fatigue while improving bone-mineral density.  

Exercise compliments quality nutrition. As our metabolism slows with perimenopause, exercise can help us expend energy; leading to improved weight management. 

Types of Exercises Beneficial for Perimenopausal Women

To help you get started we have listed suitable forms of exercise and their benefits. 

Cardiovascular Exercises

Cardiovascular exercise including walking, running, or recreational activity can improve perimenopause symptoms.

Research indicates that aerobic training can improve anxiety, depression, and quality of sleep. Additionally, aerobic exercise can be used for weight management; burning energy, and helping us maintain a calorie balance or deficit.

Strength Training

Strength training has been shown to reduce symptoms of menopause. A systemic review conducted in 2023 examined the efficiency of strength exercise for decreasing menopause symptoms.

Reviewing 12 articles, they determined that strength training improves lower body strength, physical activity, bone density, hormonal changes, blood pressure, and heart rate, with a change in hot flashes.

Strength training exercises with free weights, resistance bands, and bodyweight exercises are viable options to improve physical fitness and reduce the symptoms of menopause.    


An 8-week pilates program is enough to help women increase strength and improve flexibility, while also reducing menopausal symptoms according to research. 

Flexibility and Balance Exercises

Flexibility and balance training are great for managing symptoms of perimenopause. Menopause can lead to a decline in balance, increasing the risk of falls. 

Research indicates that resistance and balance training improved balance, with whole-body vibration training being the highest-ranked intervention.

As mentioned, exercises such as Pilates, yoga, tai chi, and qigong are all excellent options for improving balance; while increasing bone density and improving mental health. 

Creating an Exercise Routine

Let’s create a perimenopause resistance training routine using the training styles listed above. Below is a full-body exercise routine and weekly schedule based on fundamental resistance training exercises.

It will contain exercises, sets, repetitions, and a weekly schedule to help get you moving. 

Weekly Schedule

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Full-body workout 30 Min Walk Full-body workout 30 Min Walk Full-body workout 30 Min Walk Rest

Full-body Perimenopause Exercise Routine (Duration 30 Minutes)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Time
Bodyweight Squats (Chair Squats) 3 10 45 secs
Step Ups 3 10 45 secs
Theraband Row 3 10 45 secs
Bench Push-Up 3 10 45 secs
Calf Raises 3 10 45 secs

* Train a minimum of 2–3 resistance training sessions per week. If you would like to add yoga or Pilates, place it on days between session.  

Tips for Staying Motivated

The long-term success of your perimenopause diet and exercise routine relies heavily on your motivation and discipline. 

Below we have listed 4 tips to help you stay motivated:

Figure Out Your ‘WHY’ 

Understanding your ‘WHY’ is essential for long-term success in diet and exercise. Truth is, motivation will only carry us so far, and ultimately you will require discipline to push through those rough moments when you want to give up. 

If you are reading this chances are your ‘WHY’ is to lose weight, reduce hot flashes, and improve sleep. All valid and powerful motivators to keep you engaged with your workout.

A clear ‘WHY’ will help you get over the hump. Often it's just the struggle to get over the initial hump that holds you back from another workout that will help you regain control of your health.

Train With a Friend

One of the best ways to stay motivated is to train with a friend. Having a training and nutrition buddy will help keep you accountable in moments of weakness when you want to stay home.

Chances are that there is someone in your circle going through menopause as well. Teaming up with a friend going through a similar experience, and who can relate to you can make all the difference. 

Your training sessions will not just be about increasing muscle and cardiovascular fitness, they will be a chance to debrief from the curveballs perimenopause is throwing at you. 

Join a Class

Joining a class is a great way to stay motivated. Similar to training with a friend, you will get a boost from other members, which is great for snapping you out of your funk. 

Classes and group training environments are excellent for developing social connectedness and mutual support; improving mental health.

Follow Schedule 

Following a schedule is essential for ensuring the success of your perimenopause diet and exercise plan. 

While you may have been able to get away with winging it in the past, it will be more difficult now with the symptoms you face. 

By scheduling your walks, workouts, and group classes, you will know well in advance what your day has in store. This will improve adherence to your training, allowing you to be mentally prepared for the upcoming week.

Lifestyle Changes to Support Weight Loss

Diet and exercise aren’t the only ways to support weight loss, lifestyle alterations such as managing stress, and improving sleep can also help manage your weight.

Below are lifestyle changes to support your weight loss journey.

Managing Stress

Managing your stress levels is one of the biggest ways to support weight loss. Chronic social stress from jobs, poor relationships, and poor self-esteem have been linked to obesity and chronic illness.

Chronic stress alters the way our body stores fat, increasing visceral fat storage, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, and other metabolic syndromes.

Stress also changes our feeding behavior as many seek comfort through processed, calorie-dense foods, which increase weight gain.

Managing stress with good social circles, regular exercise, and positive relationships will help alleviate stress. Decrease your desire to reach for poor food choices and improve your body’s fat storage capabilities. 

Importance of Sleep

Quality sleep is the most important factor in our health and longevity. Poor sleep has been shown to have a range of negative effects including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and depression. 

Poor sleep also increases our hunger hormone ghrelin, lowering the satiety hormone leptin, and leading to weight gain.

To reduce the occurrence of sleep-related negative health outcomes and to manage weight loss, it is recommended that we get between 7-8 hours of sleep per night. 

Hydration and Its Benefits

Staying hydrated is one of the easiest ways to support weight loss. Drinking water reduces feelings of hunger which can lead to a decrease in calorie intake, especially in the form of beverages, juices, and milk. This allows us to maintain a calorie deficit to continue losing weight.

Water is an important component for maintaining bodily function. A lack of water can result in poor mood and cognitive function.  It’s also essential to healthy heart, gut, and skin function. 

The recommendation for women ages 30-50+ is 2700ml per day.

Avoiding Harmful Habits 

Removing harmful habits such as excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can support weight loss and improve overall health. Excessive alcohol consumption was associated with an increased risk of weight gain and obesity. 

Smoking on the other hand has a lower mean body mass index. However, research indicates that smokers displayed greater sedentary behavior. While stopping smoking may bring on unwanted weight gain, it can make it easier to move to adopt a healthy lifestyle. 

Expert Tips for Perimenopause Weight Loss

Many aspects of perimenopause can be handled by ourselves, however, there are many different support services to guide you. Below are our expert tips for managing perimenopause weight loss. 

Consulting with Healthcare Professionals

One of your biggest assets is the ability to consult with healthcare professionals. Doctors are great for setting you up with the right professional to help you with your nutrition. They can also have recommendations for various symptom management strategies.

Nutritionists and dietitians know about nutrition and menopause. They can help you form a comprehensive nutrition plan and ensure your diet contains essential nutrients to battle perimenopause symptoms.

Hormonal Treatments and Supplements

Hormone replacement treatments and supplements are available for hormones lost during menopausal transitions.

Replacement of estrogen and progesterone can help alleviate symptoms. Progesterone specifically can provide relief from sleep disturbances, and mood instability.

However, these hormones are associated with adverse effects such as an increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, and deep vein thrombosis.

To be safe, consult your doctor regarding your replacement therapies to see if you are suitable for treatment.  

Another alternative is to supplement your nutrition with essential vitamins and minerals including vitamin B, vitamin D, calcium, and omega-3, to help reduce symptoms. For more information consult with your healthcare professional for guidance.

Personalized Weight Loss Plans

We all go through perimenopause, however, no two cases will be the same. A personalized plan can help you address your specific goals, symptoms, and nutrient deficiencies.

A licensed dietitian or nutritionist can identify gaps in your nutrition and create a plan that matches your needs. 

This will take the guesswork out of planning, and ensure you are consuming exactly what you need to stave those dreaded symptoms.

Addressing Common Concerns and Challenges

Perimenopause weight loss diets can come with a fair share of challenges and concerns, including dealing with emotional eating, plateaus, and finding support. Below we take a look at each to put your mind at ease. 

Dealing with Plateaus

If you are dieting you will experience plateaus. Changes to diet and lifestyle can be challenging, and when it seems like the weight isn’t shifting and the symptoms are subsiding it can test our will.

When these plateaus happen it is important to reflect on how far we have come. Looking back on your wins, and achievements will help you stick at it long-term. 

If you are struggling with a plateau, speak to your training partner, coach, or dietitian. The people in your support network will help you take a step back, and assess your next move. 

Emotional Eating

One of the biggest challenges with perimenopause weight loss is dealing with emotional eating. Perimenopause sudden mood changes, lack of sleep, and increased appetite combine for some major cravings that can be hard to combat.

When it comes to emotional eating we need to have tasty healthy food options on hand as a circuit breaker, before we spiral out of control.  For example, if you know you have a stressful day at work coming up, prepare a healthy version of your favorite meal and have it ready to go when you get home. 

It removes the decision of what to have for dinner and stops you from up your favorite deliver app.

Planning your days with protein-rich, nutrient-dense meals and snacks will keep you full, reducing hunger and cravings for low-quality refined food.

Finding Support and Community

Finding a community and forming a support network is crucial during perimenopause and weight loss. Symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and mood changes can lead to feelings of isolation. 

A support network of friends sharing your experience, healthcare professionals, or online groups can give you a sounding board. 

Often people join these groups and find many people experiencing the same frustrations, with many also sharing helpful strategies that got them through it all.


Losing weight during perimenopause is far from easy. However, many people have navigated the fluctuating hormone changes to successfully lose weight, decrease symptoms, and improve their quality of life.

If you are currently in perimenopause and want to lose weight don’t do it alone. Reach out to friends, and groups and seek assistance from a health professional. 

Millions of others are going through a similar experience, and some even you may be able to help along the way.

Focus on eating a protein-rich, nutrient-dense diet, and exercise regularly. Cover these bases and you will be well on your way to losing weight.


What is Perimenopause and How Does it Affect Weight?

Q: What exactly is perimenopause and why does it often lead to weight gain?
A: Perimenopause is the transitional period before menopause when the ovaries gradually begin to produce less estrogen. This hormonal change can lead to increased weight gain, particularly around the abdomen, as the metabolism slows down and body composition changes.

Importance of Diet in Managing Perimenopause Weight Gain

Q: How can diet influence weight management during perimenopause?
A: A balanced diet rich in key nutrients can help manage weight by providing essential minerals and vitamins that support overall health and help mitigate symptoms like hot flashes and joint aches. Incorporating foods like lean proteins, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids is crucial during this time.

Effective Exercise Strategies for Perimenopause

Q: What types of exercises are most beneficial for women in perimenopause?
A: Cardiovascular exercises like walking or cycling, strength training to improve bone density and muscle mass, and mind-body exercises such as yoga and Pilates are all effective. These activities help manage weight, improve sleep quality, and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

How to Stay Motivated and Effective in Your Fitness Journey

Q: How can I stay motivated to maintain my diet and exercise routine during perimenopause?
A: Staying motivated can be challenging, but setting clear goals, understanding your personal 'WHY', working out with a friend, joining classes, and following a structured schedule can significantly boost your commitment and success in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Addressing Emotional Eating and Lifestyle Changes

Q: How can I manage emotional eating during perimenopause?
A: Managing emotional eating involves preparing healthy, tasty alternatives in advance, understanding your triggers, and incorporating protein-rich, nutrient-dense foods that satiate and prevent cravings. Also, engaging in regular physical activity and having a strong support network can help manage stress and emotional challenges associated with perimenopause.

Weight Loss
Updated on:
September 23, 2024